We met our Kickstarter goal within 30 hours of launching! This demonstrates the enthusiasm for mission-driven businesses.
...they are modeling for us all how to run a socially responsible business that supports other local businesses, organizations, and artists. -Alana Theriault, Writer
If you haven't backed us yet, there is still time. And more than anything, please continue spreading the word! Our campaign is on until May 25th. Since Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing platform, we set our goal low to ensure we would get funding, but we hope to far exceed our goal and build our base of backers who want our products!
Click here to learn more about our founders' story and to back us!
Thank you for those who have supported us to get us this far. We are looking forward to creating manufacturing jobs in Oakland, putting the amazing art of local artists into your hands through jigsaw puzzles, and raising funds and awareness for the folks that are doing work to make our world a better place.