Get Involved

Calling all Artists, Organizations, and Schools

We are balancing many factors in our decisions about new releases. While our current priority is organizational partnerships, our needs are always changing and we are happy to receive artist work submissions.

We are developing the capacity to create smaller batches of puzzles as a service to artists.


If you think you have the perfect puzzle image, we'd love to see it. We also believe that rules are meant to be broken and we do not want to discourage you from sharing your work with us.  We will add any interested local artists to our list for consideration of current and future puzzle releases.

That being said, we are currently looking for images that meet the following criteria. 

  • Image “fills the frame” with identifiable areas of interest, sharp lines, or clear gradients.
  • 10% or less of the total puzzle image is single color or out-of-focus
  • Image is unique, creative, colorful, and eye-catching 
  • Image has local thematic or cultural relevance
  • Image has 2:3 or 4:5 aspect ratio with high enough resolution to print 16"x24" or 16"x20" at 300dpi.
  • We are unable to consider most art that contains branded, copyrighted, or trademarked content, licensed characters, or depictions of individuals  and property that would require special permissions. We may make exceptions for work that has a local depiction for which permissions can be easily obtained.
  • No AI generated art
  • We only consider finished art and are currently not commissioning pieces

    To submit artwork for consideration: Please put your artwork in an album on Google Photos and share the album with


    Want to set up a fundraiser, commemorative item, or product for your gift shop? We are happy to to work with organizations of all sizes. We can assist with the art or use art provided by you.