We've been working hard to get comfortable operating our press and dies and to understand what it takes to make the best puzzle we can. It's been complicated, but we've been persistent and we are feeling GREAT about the product we are about to create.

Things have been filling up quickly in our warehouse. We have received all of our printing work from Community Printers and it has exceeded all expectations. It is just beautiful! We have our puzzle images, boxes, and an insert that has the puzzle image (guide) on one side and a description of the image and artist on the other.

After we received our images, we did our final product testing and it revealed that Eska Blue puzzle board performed best with our gluing method, dies, and press. We also thought that it simply feels really good in our hands!
We received our T-shirts, made by Town Print Shop. The printing is a gorgeous metallic gold. The shirts are US-made Bella+Canvas, which are ethically made with an eco-friendly process. If you did not order one and regret it, we've got extras. They can be ordered on here.
We have two remaining orders that we will receive next week. One is the chipboard (the cardboard that the puzzle image gets attached to), and the other will have high-quality resealable bags for the puzzle pieces and shipping boxes. At that point, we expect to be able to fulfill our Kickstarter and pre-orders quickly, so we're expecting an early July delivery. Our next priority will be to get our puzzles into local retailers. Before long, we also expect to be vending at popup markets.
We expect to announce our next set of releases soon. Thanks and stay tuned!